Monday, 15 October 2012

The Classic Mixtape - What to Do?

Ok, so I realized that the mixtape is fading away fast. It might be because of the rise in digital media, it could be because people just don't take the time out anymore - but it is still a sure fire way to A) share music and B) do something for someone (relatively cheaply). So, since this blog is called the magic mixtape - here is a few idea's to get you started.

Now, a mixtape is very similar to a playlist, the only difference is - you need to put thought into the order of the songs. So, I am going to take a leaf out of Rob Gordon's book (yes, he is a fictional character from High Fidelity - but this works, trust me!) and lay down some track-by-track rules.

1. You have to start off with a bang. Don't start with your best song, but you need to make sure it kicks off to a great beginning.
2. Step it up a notch. You have to get whoever is listening to it to want to continue on, and you do this by making the second song one of (if not THE) best songs on the mix.
3. Cool it down a bit, maybe but something on a little more atmospheric. You don't want to overwhelm your listener with ultimate drums.
4. Go back to a higher tempo song that you know they'll love. By this point, they should be already hooked on the mix.

This will work because people form their opinions on a mix within the first few songs. They need to be able to know the style of music they will be listening to, and what they are to expect in the next 13 tracks or so.

Another important rule: if you are using a disc, fill the CD as much as it feels right. DO NOT feel the need to  fill it up with 19 songs that you are clutching at straws for in the end.

So, in honor of these rules - I have personally made a mixtape for you all to freely enjoy. Just download, unzip and add it to your iTunes. This one focuses on generic indie themed songs, but I'm hoping to do more specific mixes (with specific purposes) in the coming months.

Now That's What I Call A Mixtape - Volume 1


  1. Pfft, Ciaran. I want a hard copy with decorated jewel case ;) Please? :)

  2. Download and see if you like it first :P
